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The BBC micro:bit is a programmable computer in credit card format. It consists of a 4 x 5 cm circuit board with a 32-bit microcontroller, flash memory, 25 red LEDs with which you can display simple images and messages, speakers, two buttons and a USB interface.

The micro:bit is even able to recognise its tilt and movements with the acceleration sensor, has a built-in compass, a temperature sensor and can communicate with other micro:bits via Bluetooth. The newer version micro:bit V2 also has a speaker and microphone. You can connect additional actuators and sensors with crocodile clips via easily accessible pins. With an inexpensive Maqueen chassis, the micro:bit can even be converted into a moving robot.

Our tutorial uses the web-based Python editor WebTigerPython and provides you with many executable sample examples and tasks to solve yourself. Programme development with WebTigerPython is simple and no local installations are necessary, you can start programming immediately. We assume that you already know the basic programme structures from the Turtlegrafics chapter. Otherwise, we recommend that you work through the Python Crash Course first.

However, the online version does not completely replace the locally installed TigerJython development environment. This also has a micro:bit simulation and some additional tools. However, the programme codes are compatible. The programmes created online can be further processed with TigerJython without any problems. You can find a learning programme on robotics with micro:bit using TigerJython at tigerjython4kids.ch/microbit.